The Best Organizing Products - Part 8
Back with more products to help you have an organized and decluttered space! Just as a reminder, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 1. Lid Organizer How do you organize your lids? If you don't have a big kitchen space, it is so hard!! That's why I bought this lid organizer! It gives a space for all your lids to be stacked. I leave it for certain sizes only so that I know where to look and it's easy for me to spot the lid I need. This fits beautifully in my kitchen cabinet! #ad 2. Over Door Metal Basket I use this in my kitchen for items like aluminum foil, plastic wrap etc. It's perfect because when you have over the door hangers like this it saves space in your kitchen cabinets for bigger items! I've also seen this being used for baking pans, cutting boards and rolling pins! The height of the hooks are adjustable so that you can store it lower or higher. It's such a space saver! #ad 3. Chalkboard Tags I love organizing ...