The Best Dog Products - Part 1

 When I first got my Beagle mix Riley, I went a little crazy with impulse buying. Then I realized how anxious she is! I tried SO MANY PRODUCTS! Here are some of my favorites! As a reminder as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

1. The Furbo

The Furbo saved me when I started leaving Riley home alone. First, you can watch and talk to your dog and the best part is you can throw treats!! Bonus: At one point when Riley was still very anxious she completely destroyed the cord to the Furbo. I contacted the company and they sent me a replacement cord for free! 


2. Lickmat Feeder

I did a lot of research on what helps with anxious dogs. One thing that came up is licking is calming for them so I immediately bought this Lickmat. As soon as I take it out Riley goes nuts! I put peanut butter on it and freeze it so it lasts longer and then let her enjoy! She does it need it for anxiety anymore but she still loves it as a treat! I also put different types of food on it like greek yogurt (in small portions)!


3. Agility Set

The first few months I had Riley I taught her A LOT OF TRICKS!! This agility set helped with that! I learned that enrichment and brain work is just as beneficial for dogs as a long walk! It tires them out and helps their brain stay strong! This agility set is so much fun!! It's not olympic quality but it's great for just low key training and fun. 


Part 2 coming soon! 


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