The Best Teacher Products - Part 1

I teach third grade Special Education. This is my 8th year teaching so I've had some trial and error of what products I would buy again and what products I can do without. Below are a few of my favorites! Just a reminder, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

1. Paper Mate Flair Tip Pens 

I LOVE these pens. I use them for grading, taking notes and everything in between. I love the colors and the fine point! These are a hit with my teacher friends too!

Buy It Here #ad 

2. Individual Sticker Charts 

I teach third grade and these have been a hit! You can use them for any type of incentive so they are easy to customize/adapt. In my class, each student has one taped to their desk. When they earn a full row of stickers they get a small reward (cost friendly to me) and then when they get an entire chart filled with stickers they get a larger prize! It's simple but effective!


3. Stikki Clips

Can't say enough good things about Stikki Clips! They are the easiest way to hang up posters and anchor charts on finicky classroom walls! My favorite part is they last SO LONG. I've used these year after year and they don't really leave residue on the walls. They are adjustable at any time. I love them!!


4. Kindness Postcards (Not what they're actually called) 

I LOVE these!! These were a game changer in my classroom one year. I used these as a "caught you being kind" type of incentive. When I noticed a student doing a kind act I filled out one of these postcards and gave it to the student to take home. Sometimes they kept them at school other times they brought them home to show their parents. The kids really loved them! It was a meaningful and cost effective way to create kindness in my classroom! 


More to come in Part 2! 


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