The Best Teacher Products Part 13

 Back with more of my favorite teacher products! As a reminder as an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. 

1. Magic Rainbow Scratch Paper

I love this stuff!! It's perfect for free time or it can even be used to practice spelling etc. because it creates so much engagement! The kids love using it even when it's for learning! 


2. Finger Spacers for Handwriting

I work with younger students and typically they may be struggling writers. When we are focusing on spacing between words, there are a ton of tools out there to help. This is just one of them! 


3. Uno

Who can resist a game of Uno? My kids LOVE IT!!! Honestly playing board games and card games can teach so many skills to students including turn taking and winning vs. losing. Uno is a favorite in my classroom. 



  1. I’m a teacher and I would totally agree with this list!


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