The Best Teacher Products - Part 12

 Back with more teacher products! As a reminder, as an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. 

1. Scholastic Success with Writing Workbook

I know that we are shying away from worksheets, but my theory is everything in moderation. This is a workbook I purchased to use with my 1st grade tutoring student. We do one day of writing practice and one day of reading practice. I like how this workbook includes some fun activities. For example the first page was a finding the capital letters maze. My student enjoyed it! 


2.  Primary Composition Notebook 

Sometimes students just need a few more scaffolds to help them write! I love this notebook because it provides students with that 3 lined primary guided paper. The lines are colored with gives that extra scaffold some students need. Another thing I like about this notebook is that the back of the front cover has an example of how lowercase and capital letters are written using those types of lines. I love that visual! 


3.  Student Planner 

This ones for all you middle school/high school teachers and parents out there! We actually bought this for my step son! It's the perfect way to organize each daily homework assignment for his classes. All his classes fit beautifully. The front also has some helpful visuals/graphic organizers for different subjects! 



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