The Best Teacher Products - Part 4

 Back with more of my favorite teacher products! Just as a reminder, as an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. 

1. Initial Here Post It Flags

Yep, the Post-It brand literally thinks of everything! I teach special education, so paperwork and signatures comes pouring out of me. I used to use a small sticky and draw an arrow to where parents needed to sign or initial. Then I thought, there has to be something that can help me with this... and there is! These are great because the are an arrow on one side, so you just stick it where you want the initials. Could I do without these? Definitely... but I don't want to! 


2. Sign and Date Here Post-It Flags

Just as convenient as the Initial Here ones! These are perfect because they make it obvious where I need parents to sign and date when I send home paperwork. They definitely came in handy when the majority of our meetings were held virtually. Again, could I survive without them? Sure... but I don't want to! 


3. Teaching is my JAM T-Shirt

We love a good theme day in our school! We ended up deciding Fridays were "tshirt day" everybody wears the same t-shirt! This is the one I picked, but we had other teachers who chose the same saying but with a different design. It was something so minor that made us happy!



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